Backing up a switch's configuration file allows you to troubleshoot the switch when it fails, or restore it in case of an unexpected reset.
       The following shares the use of FTP to backup and replace the configuration file of the Huawei S6700-24-EI switch based on a specific case.
Table 1 Parameter description
Item   Description
  Switch model   S6700-24-EI
  Configuration file name
  Switch management port ip
  FTP server ip
 FTP User Name   test
 FTP user password   admin123
I. Importing/Exporting Switch Configuration File Methods
1. Enter dir on the switch to view the files in the switch, where is the configuration file for the switch, which should be subsequently exported to the computer for backup;
 Viewing Switch Files
Figure 1 Viewing Switch Files
2. Enable the FTP server on the switch side, add a local FTP user account, set its password and level, and set its access directory and service type;
Enable and configure local accounts
Figure 2 Enable and configure local accounts
3. Create a folder on the computer side and place the configuration files to be imported under this folder. In this example, put the configuration file into D:/test. Run CMD and enter the IP of the ftp switch management port to log in to the FTP server;
Logging in to the FTP server
Figure 3 Logging in to the FTP server
4. In CMD, enter get to back up the switch's configuration file, and enter put to upload the file to be replaced into the switch flash:/. At this point, you can see the backup switch configuration file in the D:/test folder;
FTP Transferring Files
Figure 4 FTP Transferring Files
5. Use the dir command on the switch side to see the configuration file that has been uploaded;
Switch file
Figure 5 Switch file
II. Switching Configuration File Methods
1. Enter display startup on the switch to view the current switch configuration file, and you can see that the current configuration file is;
Current configuration file of the switch
Figure 6 Current configuration file of the switch
2. Enter startup saved-configuration on the switch side to switch the configuration file to and view the current configuration file;
Switching Configuration Files
Figure 7 Switching Configuration Files
3. Use the command to reboot the switch. When rebooting, the switch prompts to save the current configuration to the switched configuration file, at this time, select N;
Reboot the switch
Figure 8 Reboot the switch
4. After rebooting, view the current switch configuration file, which has been switched to;
View the current switch configuration file
Figure 9 View the current switch configuration file
       Moduletek Limited can provide optical module products for HUAWEI switches.
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