CCWDM is Compact CWDM (Compact Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing), a wavelength division multiplexing technology based on TFF (Thin Film Filter), which operates in the same way as CWDM modules. The difference is that the adjacent channels of CCWDM use parallel beams to cascade in free space, rather than optical fibers. The filters of each channel in CWDM are cascaded through optical fibers, while the collimator and filter of CCWDM are solderedonto a common substrate, and the channels are cascaded through free space.

The left figure shows the fiber cascade and the right figure shows the free-space cascade

Figure 1 The left figure shows the fiber cascade and the right figure shows the free-space cascade

       From Figure 1, it can be observed that the free space cascade workflow is as follows: the optical signal enters the free space CWDM device from the input fiber, and the wavelengths on the input fiber are respectively λ1, λ2···λn.The optical signal of λ1to λn is focused on the first filter; The wavelength is named λ1 form optical signal is coupled to the first output fiber through the first filter and the first output lens, separating a wavelength of λ1 optical signal; The remaining optical signal is reflected by the first glass slide to the next glass slide for the optical signal separation. And so on until all signals are separated. The coupling between wavelength channels is achieved through the form of Huai straight raysfollowing the "Z" line.
      The size of the CCWDM packaging module is significantly reduced compared to the CWDM module, and the insertion lossis lower, resulting in better consistency. It can replace CWDM products in fields such as telecommunications, enterprise networks, PON networks, cable television, etc; And with lower insertion loss, the CCWDM module has lower signal attenuation during operation, meeting the power requirements of the signal transmitter.
      The CCWDM module of Moduletek Limited has a mature production process, stable and reliable performance, and supports use in ambient temperatures ranging from -40 ℃ to 85 ℃. Welcome to choose!
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