With the rapid development of network technology, Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology is widely used in fiber optic communication systems, especially for long distance transmission, in order to meet the growing demand of users for high-speed data transmission.DWDM Tunable Optical Module is a kind of optical module that adopts Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology and supports wavelength tuning, which can effectively reduce the replacement of optical modules due to the change of network structure, and can cope with the continuous development of the network. It can effectively reduce the replacement problem of optical modules caused by changes in network structure, cope with the continuous development of the network, and also reduce the reserve of DWDM optical modules.
DWDM system applications
Figure 1 DWDM system applications
I. What is DWDM dimmable optical module?
         DWDM Tunable Optical Module is a unique optical module, which can select the channel of laser emission, simply put, the wavelength of conventional DWDM optical module is fixed, while DWDM Tunable Optical Module can be configured to output different DWDM wavelengths, with flexible selection of operating wavelengths, in the fiber optic communication wavelength division multiplexing system, optical interpolator and multiplexer, and optical cross connect, optical switching equipment, light source spare parts and so on. It has great practical value in fiber optic communication wavelength division multiplexing system, optical interpolation multiplexer and optical cross-connection, optical switching equipment, spare parts of light source and other applications. It should be noted that the wavelength adjustment function of DWDM tunable module is only used in DWDM system. At present, the types of tunable modules on the market mainly include SFP+ 10G DWDM, XFP 10G DWDM and SFP28 25G DWDM.
II. the difference between DWDM tunable optical module and standard DWDM optical module
         The biggest difference between DWDM tunable optical module and standard DWDM optical module is the wavelength tunability, in addition, they also have the following three differences:
1.  the working criterion
         Each standard DWDM optical module has a fixed and specific wavelength, and this optical module can only be deployed in the network node of the corresponding wavelength, for example, the SFP+ optical module of C30 wavelength can only be used in connection with the port of C30 wavelength on the DWDM MUX. However, with SFP+ DWDM tunable optical modules, users can use the corresponding fiber optic patch cords to connect to any port of the same DWDM MUX, because the wavelength of the tunable optical module can be adjusted to fit different port wavelengths.
2. Application Areas
         According to the different working criteria mentioned above, standard DWDM optical modules are usually deployed in networks that hardly need to change or add channels. On the other hand, DWDM tunable optical modules are usually used as backup optical modules in cases where the network architecture needs to be adjusted due to service growth.
3. Cost
         The material cost of DWDM dimmable modules is higher than that of standard DWDM modules, so they are 3-4 times more expensive than regular DWDM. However, in the long run, dimmable modules can effectively reduce operating costs, not a good choice. For example, in a large 10G SFP+ DWDM system with hundreds of nodes of different wavelengths, in order to avoid unnecessary failures, the user must provide up to hundreds of DWDM SFP+ optical modules, which will greatly increase operating costs. In this case, tunable optical modules help reduce the need for DWDM SFP+ optical module inventory, thereby reducing costs and maximizing network flexibility.
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