I. Upgrade the required tools and environment
      1. FTP software, this paper selects FileZilla_Server-cn-0_9_60_2 as the server;
      2. G610 switch system software (v9.0.0a);
      3. network cable, Console cable;
      4. G610 switch, PC;
II. Upgrade Steps
      1. Install the FTP server software in the PC and configure the user and transfer file address as shown in the following figure:

FTP related settings

Figure 1 FTP related settings

      2. query the IP and subnet mask of G610 switch, and then configure the IP and subnet mask of PC, as shown in the following figure:

Query the IP and subnet mask of the switch
Figure 2 
Query the IP and subnet mask of the switch

Configure the IP and subnet mask of PC
Figure 3 
Configure the IP and subnet mask of PC

      3. in the super terminal enter "firmwaredownload -s" to open the download, in turn, enter the computer IP address, the server user name admin (configure filezilla software user name set up by themselves), the file name v9.0.0a (the system software folder name), the transfer mode 2 (FTP) and the server user password password (configure filezilla software when you set the password), open the download as shown below:

Input relevant information
Figure 4 
Input relevant information

Confirm download
Figure 5 
Confirm download

Download successfully
Figure 6 
Download successfully

      4. as shown below, the system software has been downloaded:

Software download completed
Figure 7 
Software download completed


      The system software version after the download is completed:

The version of the downloaded software is v9.0.0a
Figure 8 
The version of the downloaded software is v9.0.0a


      5. "firmwaredownload -s" is a single partition upgrade system and will not take the initiative to reboot, you need to manually reboot the switch, in the reboot countdown before pressing 3 to enter the bios interface to configure the boot partition. After the reboot is completed, check the partition to find that the boot primary partition of the system changed to v9.0.0a, as shown below:

Boot partition configuration completed
Figure 9 
Boot partition configuration completed

III. Upgrade results
      System software version before upgrading:

The version before upgrade is v8.1.0b
Figure 10 
The version before upgrade is v8.1.0b

      System software version after upgrade:

Version after upgrade is v9.0.0a
Figure 11 
Version after upgrade is v9.0.0a

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